
The Best Social Game You'll Ever Play

What Is CanDarts?

CanDarts is an incredibly fun social drinking game, in which you are are trying to get your opponent to drink the entire contents of their can before they can do the same to you. If it's in a can, it can be used to play... Pun intended. This means that the game is not strictly limited to adult beverages. Our younger family, and friends can participate as well by using a beverage that doesn't contain alcohol. With that in mind, parental, or guardian, supervision is strongly encouraged. At the same time, our design comes with built-in safety features.

CanDarts Construction and Safety Features

CanDarts are constructed with high quality plywood. This offers a sturdy, long-lasting playing platform. The high back and side panels also offer safety from those rogue darts that seemingly take on a mind of their own. Your shins and feet will thank you for standing behind the set while playing (which is a component of the rules). The top of the back panel also offers a place to store your darts while you are not actively playing; hiding those pointy tips until you're ready to play. The construction also includes a "tombstone that the can sits against. This provides support to the can so that it does not get knocked over when stuck by the dart.

How It Started

Our game comes from the enjoyment of camping, tailgating, backyard BBQing, birthday parties, and any other social gathering in which you would play games with others. Chris and Mike saw a need for a new social game. Chris eventually evolved a game that normally includes darts, cans, and fun. This evolution included aspects of safety and a more clearly defined set of rules.


Please click below to down to access the PDF of our rules.

CanDarts Rules.pdf


Click below to submit an order for a set of CanDarts. Please be advised that orders are strictly for the Albuquerque, NM area... for now! We will be expanding and offer shipping in the future. Stay tuned for that.